Friday, 19 April 2019
Isaiah 53 : 1-12
"He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him: He was despised, and we did not esteem Him." - Isaiah 53:3
Isaiah 53 is termed the “golden passional of the old testament evangelist,” by Polycarp of old. "Here we seem to enter into the holy of holies of the Old Testament prophesies- that sacred chamber where in pictured and foretold the sufferings of Christ and the glory which should follow." (Mr.Urwick, Bible Commentator) Touching such loftiest subject, the prophet himself exclaims in wonder, “who has believed our report?” This is the central chapter on which every other prophecy foretold has derived its nourishment. Nothing but the cross, the suffering and death of Christ the Messiah is so clearly and beautifully narrated by Isaiah. Just one look at this chapter will bring us near to the cross of Christ. All that He went through- voluntarily choosing to surrender and to suffer the sorrow and pain, was in absolute love! It was for you and me!
Dear saint if you go through this wonderful chapter word by word, you will find nourishment for your soul. The truth displayed here is simple yet profound but the real weight of it comes when we understand that God came down and put Himself in my place to lift me up to the throne room of grace. This can never be imagined by any man. This is perfectly divine in origin. So let us take it completely by faith and be nourished by the saving grace which flows through this chapter.
He (Christ) stands in the middle of Human history, as a Man of sorrow, a Suffering Servant of God- every human despised and rejected Him. He came to His own, but they rejected Him (John 1:10-11). His own disciples left Him and fled (Mark 14: 50). While on the cross of Calvary, he was adorned with shame and was despised by men of His generation (Mark 15:29-32). Even the Father in heaven seemed to hide His face apparently from Him, which made Him cry from Cross- "....My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" (Mark 15:34). Oh! the great sorrow of being abandoned and forsaken. Dear one, have you ever thought there was a reason for Him to suffer like this? He was putting Himself, voluntarily in this place because He loved you and me!! He found no other way to save us except by going through this path, where He could pay all that a Just GOD demanded from the hand of a sinner according to the divine Law. One side the justice of the Law of God demanded the strictest punishment for the sinner who broke the law. But on the other side, the loving Savior came to fulfill the Law and pay the ransom to redeem us. In fulfilling this, He needed to become acquainted with sorrows and pain and be despised by all.
How do we respond to such a love as this? There are only two ways to it:
One is to respond the same way as the Jews of those days did. -They rejected Him. That brings an alienation from God and condemnation.
The second is to accept Him fully. And God’s Word gives us the wonderful assurance:- (John 1:12 "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name." )
Will you respond with a surrender of your life to God and accept Him?
Dear Father in heaven, I accept Jesus
as the Lord of my life and surrender my life to You.
Please forgive my sins. Thank You for accepting me,
as Your child. In Jesus name.
Listen- ‘Man of Sorrows’
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