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Tuesday, 8 January 2019

John 3 : 1-21

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” -John 3: 16

The question put across by Nicodemus “How can these things be?”  is what many of us ask whenever we encounter or experience something unexplainable, something beyond our comprehension.  Nicodemus asked this when he heard Jesus’ explanation on ‘Kingdom entry’- so different from all that he had studied and had been teaching his entire life. Nicodemus knew that he was taking to someone from God yet His words were not pleasing to his ears. He procrastinated with questions instead of facing the evidence and accepting the truth.

We are surrounded by these very same kind of people today, people who keep asking more questions than accepting the answers given to them. To those who have failed to understand God’s big picture of salvation, He wants to explain it again today as we read today’s Scripture, just as He did many years ago to Nicodemus, that we might grasp the truth and believe it. 

How did He work out salvation for us?
He Provides a Way (John 3:14)- God lifted up the Son of Man just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness. In Number 21 we read about how the people raised up their voices against God in complaint and contempt. This was not overlooked by God. He punished this ingratitude by sending serpents amongst them. Realizing their sin they cried out to God and the only solution God gave them was to ‘Look Up at the Serpent raised up on a Rod.’ It was not the serpent that took away the sting of the bite, but the looking up at God’s provision to receive mercy that helped the Israelites find life. 

In the same manner all of us are bitten by the serpent called ‘SIN’ and the only way we can overcome its poison is by turning away from everything that holds us captive and looking to the Saviour on the cross who took the sting of sin upon Himself and set us free. No matter how weak or frail or far away from God you may be, when you look up to him, trusting and accepting  His act on the cross, you will be healed!

He Guarantees us a Promise: (John 3:15) – For all those who follow through with God’s plan provided in Christ Jesus, He promises a whole and lasting life. God did not send His Son merely to point an accusing finger at us, but he sent Him so that through Him we will gain real life, eternal life. It is then we break off all ties with this earthy world and begin a new fellowship with God which will last even after we leave this earthly tent.

Nicodemus could not refuse such an offer. We read about him later in John 19:39 at Jesus’ Tomb- His encounter with Christ had changed him. How about you? What is that one question that seems so rational to you that you cannot fathom God’s provision and promise? Now is the time! Today is the day! Look to the Saviour and Live!


“Let all the world look to me for salvation!

For I am God; there is no other.”  

(Isaiah 45:22)


Listen: Turn to Me and be saved

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Good Shepherd Ministry International

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