Exodus 2: 1-25
Monday, 24 March 2025

“So God heard their groaning and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob.” -Exodus 2:24
Our God is a covenant-keeping God. The Bible tells us He can never lie or forget what He has spoken to His people. For God’s plans to be fulfilled through the centuries we see God use people—for which He needs to equip His servants to fit that role for which they have been called for.
When we see God respond to His people (Vs 24 &25), He didn’t think of a plan just then. Rather he was going to unfold a plan that he had been working on even before the foundations of the earth. While the rest of the boy babies were thrown into the Nile, God gave the plan to Moses’ mother to save him.
See how God unfolds His plan in Moses’ life. From Pharaoh’s palace to the runaway in the wilderness and back to Egypt at the appointed time when God was ready to deliver the Israelites, God’s servant was being made ready for his service.
How did God prepare Moses to take on this huge responsibility of bringing the people of Israel out of bondage? What the Lord did in Moses’ life is a pattern for those called for God’s special tasks:
I. Separates us: God can never work in a life that is divided in his / her devotion to Him. As Jesus says in Matthew 10:37[NLT] – “If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine;” So in Moses’ life, God separates him from both his-
· Birth family: he had to break off from all family and community ties such that he was never recognized as one of them (Vs 14)
· Adopted family- he had to run away from Pharaoh’s family which once held him to the world of glory, power and education (Vs 15)
God did this because of the higher calling over him, for which God had to give him a new identity as the ‘Man of God.’ Right through the church history we see God do this in many a life, taking simple folk and sending them as His representatives to the ends of the world to bring the lost into the fold.
II. Prepares us – Once God separates us He begins His meticulous work in us to become that perfect vessel He could use for the salvation of many. Just as a potter works on the clay to mold it into the shape he wants, God uses various experiences and situations in the process of shaping the man/woman he chooses. There will be seasons of difficulty, crises, joy and pain, waiting and trusting— all blend together to make the person into the desired vessel God wants to use.
Moses felt the same chipping and pruning in his life too. He was reduced from -
Ruler to servant
Affluence to poverty
Creativity to mundane activity
Though he could not understand why life had taken such a turn, God was preparing through the various hardships, a man fit for HIS MASTER’S SERVICE!
You may be trying to make sense of some things happening in your life and asking if you are really in the purpose of God. May be you are facing loneliness, rejections, and accusations in return for your good work? Don’t be disheartened— The Master is just shaping you into that vessel he wants to be fit for His service. Yield to His plan and He will bring you through!
Prayer: Dear LORD, help me to yield to Your hands as You mold me for Your plan to be worked out in me. Amen
Listen: 'Take my life'