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Isaiah 64:1-12

Monday, 6 September 2021

“Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.” -Isaiah 64:4[NIV]

The latter part of Isaiah speaks of Israel’s redemption and a looking forward to the golden age of the Messiah. Yet we see streaks of judgment woven into some parts – though God’s promise of restoration for the nation of Israel remains, His judgment will be seen on those who are rebellious and do not return to Him. The faithful remnant will truly enjoy His Redemption and Restoration. Isaiah chpts.63:7-64:12 is an intercessory prayer by the prophet in which “he states the most hopeless aspects of his people’s case, identifies himself with their sin, and yet pleads by the ancient power of God that we all may be saved.” [Expository Bible Commentary]

The same applies to us today- if we remain faithful to God and His Word, we have the promise of His protection and provision while on this earth, as well as looking forward to His eternal kingdom where His rule and reign is forever!

The key verse is an encouragement for God’s children who are waiting to see God’s mighty acts for them. In Psalm 32:8 God says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” The life experiences of Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Daniel, etc were proven by their obedience to God’s commands and His guidance and mighty acts on their behalf.

Let us examine Joseph’s life in the Book of Genesis that demonstrates this:

  • Early Days- God’s Intentions:- That Joseph was set apart was seen in his childhood days. God’s ability in him was to see dreams which had far-fetching implications. His brothers hated him for being his father’s favourite and we see how they intended to kill him but God’s plans prevailed- they sold him into slavery into Egypt.

  • Youth – God’s Integrity:- Though he was sold a slave into Potiphar’s house, God’s favour was with Joseph. He was entrusted with the entire household. When he could have sinned, God’s integrity guarded him. Yet he had to pay for being true to God’s principles- he was put in prison.

  • Middle Age – God’s Intervention:- The many years spent in prison for no fault of his didn’t make Joseph bitter. He remained faithful to God that even the officer in charge liked him. In God’s perfect time, He intervened to get Joseph out by causing the Pharaoh of Egypt to have dreams that no one could interpret. He was called by Pharaoh.

  • Manhood- God’s Investiture (Promotion):- From now began God’s promotion of Joseph in ways one could never even dream of- the man who had been imprisoned suddenly rose to the position of one who was just a grade below the Pharaoh! God publicly honoured Joseph by putting his signet ring on him and clothing him with fine linen and putting a gold chain around his neck! (Gen.41:42)— an investiture ceremony!!

Would Joseph have ever dreamed of what God would do in his life? More over God used him as a saviour to the rest of his household when the famine struck the land. What more, he brought his entire family (his dad included!) to Egypt and God settled them in the best part of the country!!

Friend, if God could do it for Joseph, He can do it for you and me!- provided- we stand true to His Word and stay faithful to Him even when we go through the hard times in life- GOD will make sure as today’s Word says, “Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him” –come to pass in your life too. Wait patiently and see God’s mighty acts on your behalf!

To Act on: “I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in HIS WORD I put my hope.” (Psalm 130:5)



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