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Isaiah 50:1-11

Wednesday, 05 April 2023

Who is among you who fears the LORD,

Who obeys the voice of His servant,

Who walks in darkness and has no light?

Let him trust in the name of the LORD and rely on his God. – Isaiah 50:10 NASB

Our reading on Isaiah 50 can be seen in three divisions— Vs.1-3 addressed to God’s stubborn people; Vs.4-9 the song of the Servant, Christ; Vs.10-11 a call by the prophet to listen to the Servant or else face the consequences. In contrast to stubborn Israel, the obedient Servant of the Lord has willingly given Himself to do God’s will.

The prophecies mentioned here by Isaiah, of Jesus’ trial and suffering at His death were fulfilled literally:

· V.6- of beating and insults

And they spit on Him, and took the reed and beat Him on the head. And after they had mocked Him, they took the cloak off Him and put His own garments back on Him, and led Him away to crucify Him. (Matt.27:30-31)

So Pilate then took Jesus and had Him flogged. (John 19:1)

Even before He came down to earth, Jesus knew what He would have to go through in order to bring about God’s plan of salvation for all humankind. But He willingly gave Himself and it is said in V.7: “Therefore, I have made My face like flint, And I know that I will not be ashamed.”—he was determined to do God’s will at all cost! O what love! –love that gave Himself to suffer, be insulted, mocked and crucified—all because He thought of saving you and me! Would you take a minute to express your gratitude to Him?

Because of Jesus’ unreserved obedience, God raised Him from the dead and has given Him the highest place, the name above every name- at which every knee will bow one day (cf. Phil. 2:5-11). This is the vindication God brings to Him as mentioned in Isaiah 50: 8-9. All who condemned Him have perished but He lives forevermore!

The Servant of the Lord was instructed by God and tuned His ear to be attentive to God’s voice- hence he has the right words to speak in all seasons! The voice of God’s servant has gone forth to the ends of the earth- Mark 1:15 is just as relevant today as He spoke then: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” The end time of ushering in God’s Kingdom is very near…If anyone desires to be part of God’s Kingdom, now is the time to believe the gospel so you can enter it. This dear friend, is the right word for the season! 1 Tim.1:15 says “…Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners…” When one repents of his sin, confesses with his mouth Jesus is Lord and believes in his heart God raised Him from the dead he becomes saved! (cf. Romans 10:9) Then you too can be part of the Kingdom the LORD will establish on the earth at His Second Coming.

Our key verses speaks of obeying the voice of God’s Servant. Jesus spoke thus: “I am the Light of the world; the one who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” (John 8:12). If they who walk in darkness come to Jesus the Light, they will receive the Light of life! No more will they grope in the dark uncertainties of life, but the life of Christ in them will give them purpose and meaning. To those who have become weary of the world and nothing to hope for in this life, Jesus has the right word for you! Come to Jesus and live!

“Weak and wounded sinner/Lost and left to die/O, raise your head, for Love is passing by

…..Come to Jesus and live!” ~ Lyrics by Chris Rice


Good Shepherd Ministry International

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