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Exodus 34:10-35

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

And He said: “Behold, I make a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the Lord. For it is an awesome thing that I will do with you.” -Exodus 34:10

Exodus 34:1 helps us to understand that God’s people broke their covenant with Him but as a loving and caring God, he resolved to prepare and enter into a new covenant with His people. In a covenant relationship, two people/parties are involved in honoring and upholding their own part.

In Exodus 19:5 God had spoken to His people through Moses: “Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people…” Despite their agreement, they sinned against Him by making a molten image and bowing to it (Exodus 33). Even though the breaking of covenant with God, brings them under the spot light of His anger, yet His loving kindness and tender mercies always extended to mend His relationship with His people. Micah 7:18 -20 says: “There is no other god like you, O LORD; you forgive the sins of your people who have survived. You do not stay angry forever, but you take pleasure in showing us your constant love. You will be merciful to us once again. You will trample our sins underfoot and send them to the bottom of the sea! You will show your faithfulness and constant love to your people, the descendants of Abraham and of Jacob, as you promised our ancestors long ago.”

Even though God’s children err in their own part of the covenant with God, it does not stop God from loving and caring them, who were created in His image and likeness. Though He punishes sin, it is not and never will be His wish and desire that any one of His children should perish, but His desire is always for them to come to repentance and be united with Him. As a loving and caring Father who does not change, He is always ready and willing to change situations in favor and for the sake of His beloved children. In Jeremiah 31:33-34, God promised to make a new covenant with his people whereby He would put His law within them and write His laws in their hearts so that they would know Him. This New Covenant has been made to us through Jesus Christ who has made a new and living way that we can enter into a relationship with God (Hebrews10:20).

And in John 3:16 He sends a blanket reception message to humanity: “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.” God loves each and everyone one of us regardless of race, tribe and tongue. His love is unlimited and compassionate and does not want to see us perish in our sin. Hence His Son took our place to die for sin that we might get right with God! Jesus’ blood that was poured out on the cross became the “….blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” (Matt.26:28).

Dear friend, God’s renewed covenant through His Son Jesus Christ is what He offers to you today to enter into a relationship with Him. Would you come to Him in repentance and accept His offer to be made right with Him?

Pray based on Hebrews 13:20-21: “Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.”



Good Shepherd Ministry International

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