Joshua 4:1-24
Friday, 31 December 2021

“...that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the LORD is mighty, so that you may fear the LORD your God forever.” – Joshua 4:24
The first five chapters of the book of Joshua describe the preparation of the children of God to take over the Promised Land. The remarkable thing to note is the crossing of the Jordan. Although they were wandering in the wilderness for forty years, due to the refusal of their fathers to believe in God’s word, God did not forsake His children completely; He did not forget His promise. There were a few who “were fully assured that what God had promised He was also able to perform.” (Rom.4:21) As God’s word states in 2 Chronicles 16:9: “For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”
God made a promise in Numbers14:24 “But My servant Caleb, because he has had a different spirit and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land which he entered, and his descendants shall take possession of it.” In Deut.1:36 it is stated that Caleb “has followed the Lord fully.” As the great events of the conquering of Canaan is unveiled, it is amazing to see the powerful working of God’s hand – the unravelling of the plans of God which enabled His children to systematically conquer the Promised Land.
The first and foremost of those events and plans is the crossing of Jordan! It can be seen this river overflows all its banks all the days of the harvest! Did God not know this, while He was directing the course of their journey? It is written elsewhere that the journey of the children of God was precisely directed by God Himself! The two signs- the Pillar of Cloud and the Pillar of Fire, would stop or move as an indication for them to move forward or encamp. So, it is well understood that God was directing every step of their journey! Therefore, their current position in front of the overflowing Jordan was God’s precise plan! There were a few purposes behind this plan of God in bringing them in that predicament!
God wanted to exalt Joshua – a faithful servant of God. (Josh.3:7 & 4:14-15)
That all the people of the earth may know the hand of the LORD is mighty
That the children of God may fear Him forever.
God knows everything that is happening in the lives of His children! You are in the place where you are now, by the plan of God!! He is aware of it. He has already prepared a plan for your victory and thus He brought you there!
God had asked them to take 12 stones from the river where the priests stood with the Ark and explained the purpose—a memorial for their next generations to remember and understand and revere God! They all need to remind themselves always that it is God’s hand that brought them – their human wisdom and might could not dry the water in an overflowing river!! It was possible only by God!
In our lives too, there needs to memorials that will proclaim to the world about the mighty hand of God! Through Jesus Christ God has saved you and given you a position which is in the “heavenly places.” Still we may face very difficult circumstances – insurmountable for a human being – but mind you- God has His own way to take you through!!
When we look back into the past year, let us recall all those memorials where God’s hand had worked miracles. When we look into the future, let us be confident that God will let “dry the Jordan”- those difficult things -with His mighty hand!
PRAYER: Dear LORD, thank You for Your mighty hand that has worked in my life. May I continue to trust Your power that will lead me on. In Jesus’ name! Amen
Listen: ‘Mighty is our God’