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Sunday, 7 June 2020 Psalm 59

“You are my strength, I watch for you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.” -Psalm 59:9-10

It is always easy for us to think that we have won several battles by our ideas, strength and ability. Little have we considered to see God as the greatest warrior. David makes us see a clear example of the Lord our warrior, to whom all cases of war must be referred for the best solution. Even though David was constantly hunted by Saul, yet he did not consider himself a powerful warrior to take on the battle but rather submitted his plea to the Lord Almighty for better action and result.

Most often we try to fight the Lord’s battle when we do not even have a pinch of strength to win. Our emotions sometimes drag us to “hammer, thunder and fire” the devil who we consider to be man’s worst enemy and sometimes even send him packing. Little do we realize that our flesh which is in a serious conflict with the Spirit (refer Galatians 5:17) stands in a battle against us. We often fight the devil but we don’t come against the real enemies of our flesh such as “Pride, Bitterness, Anger, Malice, Sexual Immorality, Slander, Unforgiveness” etc. These coupled with many other misdeeds of the flesh, stand out as great enemies that we should submit to the Lord our Warrior, for Him to help us overcome. Romans 8:13 says: “For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.”

Some people want to see a brother/sister whom they have some form of misunderstanding meeting with some misfortune. They would like to see their enemies, dead. They want the Lord to endorse the bitter and angry desires of their heart, totally forgetting what the Lord said in His Word in Matthew 5:44: “…love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you...” The Lord always fights battles that is in accordance to His will and purpose and according to His Word. In every successful battle the enemy must be identified and subdued. The Lord our Warrior can never join us to fight a battle with the wrong motive and thought. He always fights the genuine cause of His children to show Himself as the God of Truth.

Court systems on earth work on appointments, orders and instructions from the governing authorities, where justice may be thwarted for man’s glory. But our God works on the authority of THE TRUTH in His word- a definite article. His promises and assurances in His word are crystal clear and can never be tampered with. As the Great Warrior who neither leaves us nor forsakes us, He has also promised to be with us even unto the end of the age (Matt.28:20).

No matter how powerful we are or may be in our thought, we must always bear this one thing in mind that all battles faced by us are the Lord’s and not ours! When we fight battles in our own ways or our strength, we end up with the wrong results and cause more problems than solutions. But when the Lord fights our battles all enemies are subdued! He is our God on whom we can rely!

Prayer: LORD Almighty! Give me the grace to bring my battles to You in prayer, from which I will come out rejoicing for the glory of Your name! Amen.


Good Shepherd Ministry International

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