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Esther 6:1-14

Friday, 30 September 2022

"Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights to honour.” -Esther 6:11

One of the greatest heartaches we have in the face of troubles and trials is the thought: “God has forgotten me!” Is this thought true to believe? If anyone is of such a mindset, may today’s word encourage you and stir up your faith in the God whom you follow. This is a reminder that He will come through for us when all human hope is gone and will stir up in us a deep faith and trust in a God who is never late! No matter what the enemy has plotted against us, God’s plan and love towards His children is steadfast and unchanging!

Who is this God?—right though Scripture has always showed up right on time for His children; be it for Mary and Martha or Hezekiah or Mordecai (the centre figure in today’s reading)!

1. The God who reminds us, who is in control – Time and time again God reiterates this that He is in control of everything that happens in our lives. In our reading we see that no one could approach the king on behalf of Mordecai to plead for his life. That is when we see the supernatural intervention of God. He takes the initiative to remind the king of his duty of rewarding the man who saved his life (Vs.1&3) .When all odds were against Mordecai , God personally intervenes. This is what He does in the lives of everyone who calls on His name!

1 John 5:19 says the whole world is under the sway of the devil. Like how the law was passed against the Jews for their annihilation, the devil holds a death warrant over every life that is not under the Lordship of Jesus. He does everything to stop them from hearing the life-giving word. It’s in such times we see the supernatural intervention of God as He reaches down to reveal Himself to these perishing souls through dreams and visions. What an incredible God! So today if you are a seeker of truth or a child of God facing a storm, rest assured He will intervene supernaturally reminding you that HE holds everything in His Hands.

2. The God who clothes us with honour- The law was passed and death loomed over the people of God. Mordecai mourned in sackcloth and ashes over the end that awaited him and his people (Esth. 4:1). Scripture has always recorded the change in tide every time man humbles before God, as James 4:1 says “ Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and he will exalt you in due time.’ He turns the tables on the very ones who wants to destroy us and uses them to honour us, just as Mordecai was honoured wearing the king’s robe and riding his horse (V.10). That’s why the Psalmist declares in Ps 75:6&7Our exaltation does not come from east or west, but God is the judge, He puts down one and lifts up another.”

So as children of God all we need to do is to bow before God—that is the only place we need to be and that’s where we will see our deliverance.

There was a time in each of our lives when our lives were far away from God because of sin. All that awaited us was death until the light of God’s word penetrated the darkness and we repented of our sin. That was the day when God honoured us by clothing us with garments of salvation and a robe of righteousness and our position changed from slave to son!

If you are yet to receive these garments, today is the time to repent and turn to Him that HE may exalt you, and the devil will hear this said about you ‘ This is what shall be done for the one whom the king desires to honour!’

Quote for the day: “God’s timing is forever accurate. Believe it, Trust it, Allow it.” ~Anonymous

Listen: 'Four days late'


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