John 14:15-31
Friday, 29 April 2022

“If you love Me, keep My commandments.” -John 14:15
Our reading today is from the discussion that Jesus had with His disciples on the day of the Last Supper which begins in John 13 and ends in John 17. Though Jesus addressed these words to the disciples, all the principles we read here apply to all believers. It was just a matter of time before Jesus was to leave them and there was much He wanted to tell them. But He also wanted to reassure them that He would always be with them.
Three times in this passage Jesus equates loving Him to obeying His word. And every time He stated this, He promised them that He would be with them. That was the great blessing—He would never leave them.
How was Jesus going to be with them and now with us when we begin to obey Him?
1. In Vs.15&16 we read that when we begin to obey His words, He will ask the Father to give us another Helper in His place. The specialty of the Helper is
He is our Comforter. vs 16
He will abide with us forever. vs 16
He is the Spirit of Truth. vs 17
He will dwell with us and be in us .vs 17
He will teach us all things
Remind us of all the things that Jesus has spoken to us
The world cannot receive Him, see or know Him (vs 17). This is a unique gift, we as believers in Jesus have received. Have you received this gift? If not, now is the time to check your lives if you are walking in obedience to His commandments. .
2. In V. 21, Jesus once again reiterates the importance of obeying His word if we say we love Him. Love is more than lovely words—it is commitment and conduct. In return for our obedience, He assures us that He would love us and that He would reveal himself to us.
How will He reveal Himself to us? Vs 27 clearly tell us that in this troubled world that we live in He will be our peace. In Isaiah 9:7 He is called the Prince of Peace. As Eph.2:17 says “He came and preached peace to all who were near and far away.” Jesus reaches out to all of us. He will meet us right where we are and fill us with His peace. His Word will never fail. Let us continue to abide in His word always. He saves the deepest revelation of Himself for those who love and obey Him.
3. In V 23 – the third time that Jesus once again connects loving Him to obeying His word. Trusting, loving and obeying Jesus are dependent on each other. As believers we need to have these qualities, then our love for His word will be genuine. To such people, Jesus says that He and His Father will come and make their home with them.
Now we carry the life of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit in us. With this life in us:
We become the temple of the living God (1Cor.3: 16)
We Offer Spiritual Sacrifices that God accepts through Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:5)
We have the privilege to call God -Abba! Father!” (Gal 4:6)
The Holy Spirit in us enables us to pray (Rom 8:26)
This life in us gives us the power to say no to sin and live a life of loving obedience to God.
Can this be said of our lives?
Quote for the day: Jesus replied, “But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.” (Luke 11:28)
Listen: 'To Obey is better than Sacrifice'