John 12:1-26
Tuesday, 20 June 2023
“He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” -John 12: 25
People would do anything to keep this life as they love life. But it’s so ironic to see how Jesus states to every man across every generation the key to live forever is to “die to self!” Isn’t that a strange call? When man is constantly protecting himself in everyway possible to escape from being harmed – be it to his ego, his desires or his plans – Jesus is asking us to lay down our lives, so that He could give us life eternal.
In today’s reading, we meet four different people who loved life differently. Do our lives reflect anyone of them? If so, let us closely examine whose life it is….
Mary – We are introduced to her in Luke 10:38-42. Even at the first meeting we see that she chose to be devoted to Jesus above everything else in her life and Jesus commends her (Luke 10: 42) saying she had chosen the good part. In John 12:1-4 we again see her devotion displayed. The two most precious things of her life she laid it down at her Master’s feet:
a) Herself - She fell at Jesus’ feet publicly laying down all her pride and self esteem and acknowledged the grace and mercy poured out to her by her Saviour.
b) Her wealth (John 12:3) – Scripture clearly states that she poured out a very costly oil and we see here that she was willing to give it all away for her Master. She kept nothing back.
She loved him more than her life and her possession that she is remembered for this act even to this day.
Judas – (John 12:4-7) – Watching all this was Judas, one of Jesus’s disciples. His reaction to Mary’s act clearly displayed his love for money. This love for “mammon” drove him to even betray his Master to the Jews. Paul warns us in 1Timothy 6:9-10 that lust for money brings nothing but trouble. Going down that path, some loose their footing in faith completely and live to regret it bitterly even after. This is what happened to Judas. A very sad end!
Is this the path we are treading on? May we not gain riches to lose our soul. (Matt 16:26)
Priests and Pharisees– We read in John 12:10 & 19 – that the Chief Priest and the Pharisee were not very happy with all that was happening around them. Their importance in society was taking second place to all that Jesus was doing. Their jealousy and their love for position and power led them to plot the death of the GIVER OF LIFE (John 11:53).
Is this what we are living for, that we are willing to step over others to reach the top?
Jesus – (John 12:24) – He knew His mission from the beginning, which echoes in Isaiah 50:7: “He set his face like a stone determined to do his will.” Though the Greeks came looking for Him to make Him a leader here on earth, He did not give into any of these allurements. His call was not for earthly glory and honor. Jesus lived not for Himself but for us that through His death we might live (John 12: 24). He gave us His all that today He is seated at the right hand of God (Eph. 1:20).
Christ Jesus calls us to follow Him, that through our selfless lives we might win a few for Him!
Quote for the Day: “The world’s philosophy says LIVE FOR SELF... but God’s Word says DIE TO SELF!” ~Dr. D.W.Ekstrand
Listen: 'Knowing YOU Jesus'