Psalm 38
Sunday, 30 October 2022

“For in You, O Lord, I hope; You will hear, O Lord my God”- Psalm 38:15
Psalm 38 describes the agony of sin David felt (Vs.1-14) and the response he had to sin (Vs.15-22). He lays himself bare before God and pleads to the Lord for restoration.
a) Agony of Sin: In the opening verses of this psalm, David requests God not to punish him in wrath or anger. David says his wounds fester because of something he did that was foolish. His body grew weaker as a result of his action. Besides his physical conditions, David’s friends have used his sickness as an excuse to abandon him. His recollection of what he had done was a “heavy burden.” He was constantly mourning his wrongdoing and was very disturbed by his lack of peace. He acknowledges that his sin is the root of all his problems and moans even more under the load of guilt. Conviction is not just realising our own sin, but also acknowledging God’s perspective of our sin.
b) Response to Sin: Amidst of all the troubles and God’s displeasure upon David, his response to all of this—silence. David is now focused on God, winning forgiveness and restoration from him. “For in You, O Lord, I hope; You will hear, O Lord my God.” (V.15). That’s the prayer of a convicted sinner! David has sinned against God, and he is aware that no one on earth can save him from his transgression or the consequences of his sin. In verse 15, he puts his faith in the Lord to be his advocate and intercessor. David made the decision to allow his affliction to draw him closer to God rather than away from the One who was his only hope. He is confident that God will answer his prayers and deliver him from all his difficulties.
Furthermore, he confesses his iniquity and expresses regret for his sin (Ps.38:18). We need to accept responsibility for our actions. We must come to God with our sin-stained hands because he is aware of what we have done. Finally, the Lord revealed every secret area of David's life in order to bring about a complete repentance in him.
1 John 1: 9 says, if we admit our mistakes, God is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And if we confess Jesus as the one who saves by what he accomplished on the cross, we will never be shamed (Romans 10:9). Even when our sickness is a product of sin, as it was for David, we are told it is by the stripes of Jesus that we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). God first grants us the grace to recognise our sin for what it is, then enables us to humbly confess our guilt to him, and lastly grants us repentance, a new heart and right spirit.
David clings to a hope found in the book of Proverbs, “whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13) God's word is saying that anyone who hides his sin will be cut off from all spiritual prosperity. And David's life proves it! Are you grieved by your besetting sin? Have you stumbled? Does your heart cry out for restoration?
Dear friend, do not be devoured by your shame and guilt. Trust in the Lord, confess your sins and don’t give up. Your sins will be pardoned through Christ Jesus when you trust Him! Look up, consider your salvation, and glorify the Lord Jesus right where you are today.
Promise: “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is the Lord.” (Jeremiah 17:7)