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Matthew 23:1-36

Wednesday, 20 April 2021

“…….for One is your Leader, that is, Christ.” -Matthew 23:10

The world has seen the rise and fall of many leaders! But, the magnificence of the leadership of Jesus Christ is incomparable! There is no other single person in history who had influenced so many hearts and still continues to do so!! The famous essay, ‘One Solitary Life’ tells us that “Nobody has ever affected the lives of people on this earth as much as that One Solitary Life.”

The Bible is clear on its vision about moulding leaders. According to Ephesians 4:12, the purpose of the five-fold ministry is: for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ. A leader in God’s hands is like an arrow in the hands of a powerful soldier – never missing its target – focused and purposeful! (Psalm 127:4). As Paul mentored Timothy and entrusted the ministry to him to carry on, many Timothys have to be moulded in today’s Church to carry on with the mandate!!

You are a leader. You are the Timothy that God wants to entrust His work with – if you would follow the Leader – Jesus Christ! His methods are unique and His standards are demanding! In Matt.20:26 &26 He said that His leaders must become servants and even slaves! What moulds you into that kind of a person – the passion in you!! You must be passionate! Passionate for Christ; passionate of His word and Love – you will start changing!! Not only will you get changed, but you will start influencing others too!!

  • Nehemiah was passionate – Neh.5:16: “I devoted myself to the work on this wall.” His passion made the King do the extraordinary for Nehemiah!! The Persian King not only granted permission for Nehemiah to visit Jerusalem, but also ordered his officials to extend all help to him and provide him with the required timber for construction and army officers and horsemen to escort him! Your passion for God will make way for the impossible to happen!! The result - in the utter hopelessness of those people, God brought the impossible possible!

  • David - a man after God’s heart (Acts 13:22) who had served the purpose of God in his generation (Acts13:36) – he was passionate for God and despite the intense challenges over His divine calling he was able to persevere for several years until he became the King! He was very passionate for the One who called him and anointed him! Such passion is contagious – it transforms you and through you many others!!

  • Apostle Paul was passionate for Christ! He said “I know whom I have believed” (2Timothy 1:12) and the focus of his life was “to know Him and the power of His resurrection” (Phil.3:10)—the result: Europe and the whole of Asia Minor came to know the Gospel and a Timothy and Titus and many others were drawn to the Ministry with zeal.

How do we get such kind of a passion and how do we maintain it?

The Bible says- abide in Christ and He in you (John15:4). God gives power to those who wait on Him (Isaiah 40:29-31). It is the word of God that reveals Christ – be soaked in His Word and “be filled with the Holy Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18)— you will be filled with the kind of a passion that will make you aflame with divine fire!

His life has the power to re-make the old into something brand new!!He will make you into a leader who will influence many others. If you follow Jesus, He will make you a new person. 2Corinthians 5:17 says old things pass away and new things come!!

ACT ON IT: Proverbs 23:26 says “Give me your heart my son.” Will you give your heart to Christ, the Leader?



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