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Complete Salvation for a Condemned Sinner!

John 8:1-11

Thursday, 09 November 2023

And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” -John 8:11

In our reading today, this unnamed woman’s life was stained with Sin, being caught in the very act of adultery and was guilty before the Lord and the world. She was humiliated by the public accusation of the religious leaders of the disclosure of her sin, as this woman was brought in to Jesus. Her life was marred with Shame caused by sin. According to her accusers this woman was guilty and thus there was a Sentence she deserved based on the Law- she deserved to die (Lev. 20:10; Deut. 22:22). Here is a “Condemned Sinner!” In their attempt to humiliate this woman as well as trap the Lord, they brought her to the right place—to the very Man who could deal with her Sin, Shame and Sentence.

How does Jesus deal with this situation? Jesus tells the woman to stop sinning……He does not excuse her sin as many in our day do, by putting it down to a difficult childhood or an abusive husband. He doesn't ask who the man was with whom she was committing adultery, so the punishment would be fair. He doesn't call what the woman did a ‘personal choice.’ Jesus does not justify the sin that is so dominant in any current culture. Instead Jesus identifies her actions as sinful.

In the text, John points to two different voices that speak to our situation in life—critics and Christ. The voice of the critic seeks to condemn you by exposing all your failures. In contrast, the voice of Christ confronts your sin with love and provides a better way to live. To which voice are you listening?

The Bible says, we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). How do we respond to our sin? First, we should admit our sinful condition before a holy God. Second, we should acknowledge the consequences that sin is destructive. Third, we need to accept the compassion and salvation offered by Christ. Jesus is the Savior who rescues us from our sin! The only One with the power and authority to condemn, declared that He would not condemn her, but with a compassionate heart He extended a way out of her sinful condition. This compassion was not a free pass to continue in her previous lifestyle but to give her a new life and to walk in the light of Jesus Christ.

Jesus faced her – Christ the Rock stood up and faced this sinful woman when the last stone from the accusers had fallen to the ground. He is the only One who was qualified to take up the first stone. When she faced Jesus, she was facing the ultimate judge!

Jesus forgave her –He dealt with her on the basis of grace. Jesus saw someone worthy of His love and Salvation. When she came to Jesus, she received A New Lord, by her simple confession (cf. Rom 10:9). Thus she received A New Life.

Jesus restored her dignity- Jesus called her “Woman” (V.10), showing her respect. It would be equivalent to the term “Lady.” This sinful woman was far from being called “Woman” Jesus took a sinful, godless, carnal person and turned her into a lady! That is the transforming grace of Christ!

Friend, life doesn’t have to be lived in the entanglement of sin and its consequences. It can be better and it can be new, if you will come to Jesus Christ! He can give you a makeover!

To Act on: "If you will confess your sins, (the Lord Jesus) is faithful and righteous to forgive us and to cleanse us for all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9)

Listen: 'Forgiven'


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