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Are You Ready for HIS Return?

Luke 12:22-48

Thursday, 30 November 2023

“Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”- Luke 12: 40

One of the most interesting details we notice in the life of Jesus in his earthly ministry was that, though he had multitudes follow Him, His teachings were primarily focused toward His disciples. He knew the crowds were following to meet their physical needs, but to the band that was following Him for who He was – He was laying a foundation that would build their spiritual lives that would continue after He left.

Today’s reading from Luke 12 begins with an innumerable multitude around Him – but Jesus was addressing the disciples (V1) to impact spiritual truths to them – the portion also begins with – Then He said to His disciples – (V.22)

Right now, Jesus is addressing us His disciples – those committed to Him at every cost, to caution us to get ready for His return. He knew the world would suffocate us by its standards and He does not in any way want us to miss out the eternity He has planned for us.

What could hinder us from reaching that home He has prepared for us?

· Worrying – [Vs.23-30]. The Bible teaches us worrying is sin. (Phil.4:6&7) We worry when we begin to lose faith in the One we have trusted. Vs.34 says – where your treasure is that’s where your heart will be. The Psalmist says, I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.(Ps.119:11). So when our hearts are soaked with God’s word, there is no room for worry because every problem has an answer in His Word. As Hebrews 1:3 says, God holds everything by the word of His power. But when we worry it blocks our minds from receiving the word planted in us, just like the seed that was choked by the thorns of cares and concerns of this world. This leads to disbelief and doubt. As His disciples, He calls us to be seekers of the kingdom of God (V.31) where the focus is building His Kingdom and not ours. This keeps us free from all earthly hold, getting us ready to meet Him when He comes. Until then, He promises to meet all our needs- if He clothes the grass and feeds the birds, won’t He care for us much more? - because He values us more than the birds! (V24,28,30).

· Watchless [Vs.35-48] – As disciples, Jesus has entrusted each of us a specific task that we need to fulfill until He returns. What are we to do until He returns?

a) Wait with hearts filled with a deep longing for His return as one waits for the ONLY LOVE of his /her life.

b) Watching over the work He has given us, as good stewards.

When we lose our personal vision and our mission, we are sure to lose sight of our Heavenly Call. We begin to indulge in selfish pleasure and strife. (V. 45). Thus we are taken away from the course of our Christian life and far from the will of God, resulting in unpreparedness for His Coming. This leads to an eternal separation from God when He returns (V.46). When God has committed His work to us, we are accountable to what we know and have to do. God will not spare anyone who in the guise of a steward has failed to fulfill his mission. (Vs.47&48)

We are thus brought to an understanding that He is a just God – rewarding those who wait and watch for Him and punishing those after having received a revelation, have failed to acknowledge Him nor acted in faithfulness to the gospel.

Give it a thought: What will the verdict be on your life on that final day?

Quote for the Day: When He returns is not as important as the fact that we are ready for Him when He does return.” -A.W.Tozer


Good Shepherd Ministry International

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