Saturday, 6 June 2020 Matthew 12:33-50

Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. -Matthew 12:33
In Christ’s teaching here, He compares a man with a tree that bears fruit. Jesus says that man can be known by the fruit he produces, like a tree that bears good and bad fruit. A tree will produce fruit depending on the seed it sprouts from and the surrounding it grows. For a tree to bear good fruit, it has to be grown from a good and healthy seed; or else it should be grafted into a healthy plant for the fruit to be produced on the grafted plant. Besides, the plant should be near streams of water (watered well) and the root of the plant fixed in a good soil. The root should grow deep and firm, so that when forces of nature (rain, storm, heat, etc) strike against it, it will still stand firm.
Now let’s see the parallel in our life: In 1 Peter 1:23 it says, that we are born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable seed that is the living and enduring word of God. James 1:21: “Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.” When the seed, which is the Word of God is planted in his heart, a person can grow in Christ and bear good fruit. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says that a person will become a new creation when he accepts Christ as his personal Savior. And then he has to keep a constant watch over himself, and allow himself to bear good fruit which will be pleasing to God and satisfies others. A branch will bear fruit only when it is connected to the tree. Jesus says in John 15:5 that, He is the vine tree and we are his branches. We can bear the fruit only when we are connected to Christ.
A person’s language reveals what kind of a tree he is— from and where his root is or what manner of spirit he is. If the heart is the fountain, words that come forth are the streams. A fountain/spring that is troubled/corrupt, sends forth muddy and unpleasant streams. “Nothing but the salt of grace, cast into the spring, will heal the waters, season the speech, and purify the corrupt communication.” [Matthew Henry Commentary]. An evil man out of the treasure of his evil heart, brings forth evil things- lusts, corruptions residing and controlling the heart, are an evil treasure, out of which he brings forth bad words and actions, to dishonour God, and hurt others. (Matt.12:35)
We have to “make a tree good” and it will bear good fruit. First of all, know which kind of tree you are and if you are a branch that bears good fruit. Secondly, allow Christ to reign in your life and His Word to occupy your heart. Consciously keep a watch over every word you speak. Always store the Word of Christ and you will fully obey him and you will bear good fruit as Christ has promised. Jesus Christ gives a warning in Matthew 12: 44, “For by your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned.”
We have to work out our salvation with trembling and fear (Philippians 2:13), so that when we give an account of each word we speak and each thing we do, we can stand confidently before His throne.
Prayer: "Our Heavenly Father, we ask Your guidance and strength to live a holy life while on this earth. May our lives be a living testimony to bring glory to Your name in every word we speak and act we do. In the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.”