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Sunday, 26 April 2020 Psalm 25

"Remember me in the light of your unfailing love, for you are merciful, O LORD.” -Psalm 25: 7[NLT]

This Psalm from David is penned during his later days as there is a reference to the sins of his youth (Psalm 25:7). It could even have been written during the period when he faced the revolt from his own son, Absalom. David pleads for God’s compassion and unfailing love that can show him mercy. It is good to read Psalms 22, 23, 24 & 25 in continuity and observe several moods of the author. From the crying statement: “My God, My God why have you forsaken me”(Psalm 22:1) to the bold declaration of faith: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil” (Psalm 23:4); from the teacher’s lecture “who may ascend to the hill of the LORD” (Psalm 24:3) to the sinner’s repentance: “O LORD pardon my iniquity” (Psalm 25:11) on bended knees and lifted hands—these are all reflected in these Psalms. Man’s soul is pressed down with sin and its consequence or by the cares of this world. But the way of escape is only through our connection with God and the strength that we derive from Him in prayer. With faith and grace every dead area of the mind can be stirred up. A godly man prays like a builder- a building is not completed in a day- our prayers are to grow stronger from day to day. David prays: "Let not my enemies triumph over me.” (Psa 25:2). Anything that opposes God’s way of living can be considered as our enemy. It includes every temptation and the greatest enemy is Satan himself. In the midst of turmoil of all the troubles we go through, if the anchor of our faith is strong then we need not fear the tempest! David cries for pardon at the sake of Lord’s name (Psa 25:11). He is Jehovah M’kaddesh the Sanctifier and He will never despise a broken and a contrite heart (Psalm 51:17). When indulging in sin we dishonor God but when we repent and receive forgiveness it’s an act of honor for God.  David here pleads the greatness of his sin and not the smallness of it. He admits that it’s terrible. When a beggar begs for bread, he exposes his dire need and the extent of his poverty and we respond to it. Likewise, God who is full of love and compassion moves with mercy by seeing the miserable state of a person who repents! The sinner has only God’s mercy to depend on! A doctor does everything to treat and cure his patients. Similarly, Jesus Christ cannot rest till the repentant sinner is granted forgiveness. He paid a great price for sin with His own blood—it is sufficient even to cleanse the guilt of our sin. 1 John 1:7 says “…and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” Dear reader- Have you ever approached the throne of grace for your forgiveness? Whatever be your sin, if you are truly repentant, Christ’s blood will cleanse and pardon so that you can be free from the shackles of sin and live in freedom in Christ. Then you can pray like the Psalmist: “Show me the right path, O LORD; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me…” (Ps.25:4-5)

Thought for the Day: “It is the mark of a true saint that his sorrows remind him of his sins, and his sorrow for sin drives him to his God.” ~Spurgeon

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