Psalm 65
Sunday, 21 May 2023
“What mighty praise, O God, belongs to you…..” -Psalm 65:1 [NLT]
Psalm 65 is a song of praises to the Lord. Our hearts should soar with constant praises and thanksgiving to God, not just for what He does in our lives, but because He is our sovereign God. Through this Psalm, King David pens down numerous reasons for why we should continually praise this great God.
We are to praise God because:
He answers our prayers (Vs 2-5)
Our Father loves us and is involved in our lives. Just as he heard the cry of the Israelites in Egypt and brought them out of slavery into the Promised Land, today He hears our cries and answers our supplications with awesome and mighty deeds.
He forgives our sins (V3)
Our natural human condition was that of sinfulness, but God in His infinite love for each of us sent His only Son, Jesus Christ to die for us, that we be made right in God’s sight by the blood of Christ (Romans 5:8-9). When we are overwhelmed by separation from God and of running after the ways of the world, if we humble ourselves before our heavenly Father and seek His forgiveness, He is gracious and merciful to forgive us and reinstate us to a right relationship with Him.
He chose us to dwell in His courts (V 4)
In the Old Testament, we see that the Israelites were God’s chosen people who could enter God’s temple—but through Christ, every believer has access to God. We are blessed because He called us to have fellowship and communion with Him. For He chose us in Him (Christ) before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. (Ephesians 1:4)
He is our creator God (V6)
When we look at the mountains and the oceans around us, the trees and animals, everything in nature displays the beauty of God’s handiwork. The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship (Psalm 19:1). All of creation declares the greatness of God. We are His masterpiece and we should forever sing praises to our creator God.
He is actively involved in all of creation (Vs 7-8)
Our Heavenly Father did not just create the earth and everything in it, but He is so concerned about every aspect of our life. He calms the raging seas and the turmoil within us, with the presence of the Holy Spirit. He understands every emotion we go through and gives us strength to overcome the toughest situations in life.
He blesses our land and brings forth abundance in our lives (Vs 9-13)
Verses 9 to 13 elaborates on the abundant provisions that God blesses us with. When we live within the boundaries of God’s Word and follow His precepts, He enriches every facet of our lives. The blessing of the Lord is so visible all around!
How can we ever cease to praise this great and majestic God - our creator, who cleanses us and restores us to Him and gives us every provision that we may be satisfied? As we reflect upon our ways, if we have been lacking in giving thanks to the Lord, let us count our many blessings and humbly exalt the Lord and praise His Holy name. Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise--the fruit of lips that openly profess His name. (Hebrews 13:15)
Prayer: Precious Father, it is my heart’s desire to extol You at all times. Let Your praises be continually on my lips. As I behold all of creation and every aspect of my life, let me never stop worshiping You. Amen.
Listen: 'As morning dawns'