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Saturday, 7 July 2018

Proverbs 12 : 1-28

“Any who love knowledge want to be told when they are wrong. It is stupid to hate being corrected.” -Proverbs 12:1[GNT]

It takes the heart and spirit of a diligent, humble and willing Christian to discover the power of humility. Our desire for knowledge and the willingness to humble ourselves prepares the foundation for true humility. There is no way we will profess to love our Lord and King yet hate to embrace corrections in our life. This is why the Bible associates those who hate corrections with FOOLS and PROUD PERSONS.

It pays to be humble and teachable, for it is the bed rock for all obedience!—because it is only through diligent and submissive obedience that God’s true children will be discovered and a virtuous woman identified. When we are humble, it helps us to discover the power that is in true humility other than just an ordinary eye/lip service. The proud are always spotted from afar by the Lord. Grace is given to the humble but the proud are resisted by the Lord. (Refer James 4:6, Isaiah 10:8-14).

Our rewards depend on what we say and what we do. So we must consider our thoughts and words considerably before stepping out in this journey of life with the Lord. The Lord knows the fools—Psalm 14:1-6, Luke 12:20, Psalm 10:4 and also know the wise coupled with their behavior, talent and character—1 Samuel 16:18, 1 Samuel 18:30. Humility in all facets of life in obedience to the authority of our Lord and King brings great power and the invisible presence of our Lord and King into our lives becomes conspicuous. Our love for Him must be encompassed and surrounded by obedience empowered by humility, because it is only in it we will find great upliftment and power for service.

Isaiah 57:15 says: “I am the high and holy God, who lives forever. I live in a high and holy place, but I also live with people who are humble and repentant, so that I can restore their confidence and hope.” The Lord is pleased with those who fear and honour Him and are humble and repentant—He hears their prayer and gives them honour in life (Isaiah 66:2; Proverbs 22:4, Daniel 10:12). The more humble we become, the more grace is given to us as an empowerment for the service of our Lord and Maker.  Our duties in obedience and humility starts with the Lord and continued with our spouse, children, God-given authorities (those of the government as well) and the rest of mankind upon the face of the earth (1Peter 5:1-7). As we diligently serve the Lord’s purpose for His glory, we don’t need to trumpet how best we know what to do, neither do we need to imagine who we are; or the only person who knows how to do it best. The Lord our Maker, who searches the hearts and examines our minds knows our thoughts, diligence and humble approach towards Him and life. He knows exactly what reward He has for his humble servants in due time! [Refer: Jeremiah 17:10, 1 Samuel 16:7, Proverbs 31:30].

Therefore, in whatever we say or do either in word or deed, it must be done to the glory of God, who will in due time bestow us with great rewards beyond human comprehension.

Thought for the Day: “Humble yourselves, then, under God's mighty hand, so that he will lift you up in his own good time.”  (1 Peter 5:6)

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Daily Devotion Card

Good Shepherd Ministry International

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