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Zechariah 8:1-23

Friday, 08 December 2023

For thus says the LORD of hosts: “….I am determined to do good…Do not fear.” - Zechariah 8:14-15

A father’s compassionate heart that forgives and seeks to do good to his children even when sometimes they err and bring sorrow to his heart, is reflected in our Heavenly Father’s love extended to the nation, who He addressed as His son (Exodus 4:22). They had gone astray from His ways- yet He was willing to restitute and determined to do them good.

When the nation of Israel sinned against God, they had to face many troubles. God spoke through many prophets reminding the sins of Judah and Jerusalem, but it was as if it fell on deaf ears. In order to discipline Israel, God gave them into the hands of their enemies, who even destroyed the temple of Jerusalem where the glory of God dwelt, and they were taken into captivity. When they continued to sin, the glory of God left Israel! But the Lord remembered His promises to His people and the covenants made with their forefathers and showed mercy in order to restore them to their native place. The theme of the book of Zechariah is regarding the immediate as well as future restoration of Israel, after they returned from the seventy-year Babylonian exile.

Now God is speaking to them through the prophet, “I am zealous for Zion with great zeal … I will return to Zion and dwell in the midst of Jerusalem.” (V.3). Therefore they weren’t to be afraid! He is telling them that He is passionately concerned about them, and when God’s presence is there, the city will be transformed into a place of truth and a Holy City. Verses 7-19 speaks about the conditional blessings and verses 20-23 speaks about the future restoration of Israel and Jerusalem being the centre of God’s plan.

Now looking to us—by faith in Jesus Christ, we are His children, but we often do not reach up to God’s standard of obedience. Hebrew 12:4-12 says that God disciplines His children as a father disciplines his sons—the Lord disciplines those He loves. So we should not lose heart, when we are disciplined. We should not be afraid when we face hardships and go through tough circumstances. He will not destroy us! Our God is love, He is merciful, kind and his love endures forever! He is a promise-keeping God, who is preparing us to take us to our promised home. He will never forget us!

When God has determined to do good to us now and in future, we should do the things He commands— Speak the truth; render sound and true judgment; do not think evil in your hearts against your neighbor; love truth and peace (Vs. 16-19). When God’s presence becomes real in us, we will be constantly sanctified as we yield to the Spirit of God. Others will see us as people of truth. Thus, others will enjoy the fruit of the Spirit in us and will join us to worship the true and living God (Vs. 23). So let us determine to obey God and bear good fruit, so that we will be ready to meet Christ when He returns!

Prayer: Almighty God, our loving Father we come before to Your throne of grace, trusting in the shed blood of Jesus Christ and we ask of Your grace to move forward with Your power, bearing the fruit of Holy Spirit so that others will know You and worship the True and living God. In Jesus name, Amen.



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