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Tuesday, 1 September 2020 1 John 4:1-21

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. -1 John 4:7-8

God by virtue of his character made Himself clear by the demonstration of His unfailing love to us His children—even when we did not love Him, He first loved us. It is easy to express in words how much we love the Lord and our brothers and sisters, but little do we realise that the Love of God transcends our ideologies and concepts.

When we look at the acronym of LOVE, it brings to us this expression:

Look Over Vexation Everyday

This is exactly what the true expression of the Love of God is- only a compassionate heart that is completely dead to self, can express the true Love of God unto humanity living in this sinful and perverse world. The Love of God is perfect, selfless and unfailing, beyond human comprehension. How then can we express the Love of God to humanity? The Love of God is always expressed when we love one another—the Bible makes it very clear in this way.

No one has ever seen God, but if we love one another, God lives in union with us, and his love is made perfect in us. God’s Spirit living in us confirms our union with God and helps us express the Love of God to one another. God so loved the world that He gave his only beloved Son (John 3:16) as an atoning sacrifice in the place of sinful man created in His image and likeness. Here He expresses His unconditional LOVE- in giving us His Son as our substitute. With the unconditional Love of God in place backed by the power of His spirit, we are more than conquerors-because greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world!

Let us just take a careful observation of how the Lord Jesus expressed his Love to the thief on the cross who acknowledged him as Lord and Master (Luke 23:39-43). The scene, gives us a clear example of how much the Love of God is expressed to all that believe in Him and express their willingness to be with Him. Whatever religion one may have followed or would have denied the God of heaven, if they are willing to tap into God’s Love available to all irrespective of kingdoms, races or tribes, God is ready to save them.

Beloved, it only takes the Love of God that Looks Over Vexations Every day, to Maintain broken relationships, Express forgiveness, Put away bitterness and malice, Kick out hidden grudges and desires of revenge and above all, Give ourselves sacrificially for service as servants of His Kingdom by yielding to the voice of the Master.

Have you been badly hurt by a brother/ sister/husband /wife/sons/daughters/ friends/ family members/ neighbours/colleagues and have vowed not to hear their voice, neither be in touch with them for any reason whatsoever? Then take a moment and consider the unfathomable love expressed and lavished upon us by our Lord and Master- while we were yet sinners Christ died for us!

Can anything be compared to the price that is paid for us in love on the cross? You don’t have to die in order to forgive an offender(s); all you need to do is just kill the voice of self-pride by the rejuvenating the power of God’s unconditional Love. A text message, a phone call, a letter or an email will break the barriers and shower the power of the unconditional LOVE OF GOD that Looks, Over, Vexation, Every day in action and expression.

Always remember this: We can never express/ demonstrate the true Love of God without the power of the Holy Spirit in us.

Prayer: Lord Jesus! Help me to listen and submit to Your voice today as I receive Your love and give it in forgiveness to my offenders, that I may glorify Your name in my life.



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